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The boxflue tile distribution is broken down here into three fabric categories:

- oxidised boxflue tile, produced locally, within 10km of the site (14 fragments, weighing 500 grams);

- calcite-gritted (shelly) boxflue tile, brought to the site from the Northamptonshire-Bedfordshire border, about 30km away (45 fragments weighing nearly 3 kilos);

- grogged boxflue tile, possibly produced on site or, if produced off-site, in south-west Northamptonshire (90 fragments weighing 5 kilos).

The distributions are consistent with the use of the different boxflue tile fabrics for specific structural functions in the bath house.

The combed and rolled keying patterns on the surface of the boxflue tiles are consistent with those found on neighbouring sites, perhaps suggesting a regional design.

Boxflue tile by fabric type

Oxidised boxflue tile

Calcite-gritted (shelly) boxflue tile

Grogged boxflue tile

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